i just did this for facebook, thought i'll just post it here.
they're not exactly 25 RANDOM things, just 25 things about me. not very random leh. but some are random la. ok enjoy (if you even bother to read them)
1) my email diabteo@hotmail.com is derived from 'diablo' and 'teo'. The latter is my surname and diablo used to be my favourite game.. hence the nick. atqhteo is simply my intials + teo. don't ask me how i came up with this i also dunno.
2) i like dark colours. blue black . white. wait, white isn't dark. anyway. i think it relates to my personality, how i'm more of an introvert and hence dont wear bright colours to attract attention.
lol, look at what i'm wearing now (in the photo above), it testifies to this fact.
3) i watch Prisonbreak, lost, OneTreeHill, Chuck, Psych, WLIIA, The OC, Survivor.
<3 TV shows
4) i like to camwhore! i dunno why also. i dont think i'm very good looking but i'm satisfied with how i look. and i like to take pictures. so. take pictures with me so i can have more photos =)
5) My best friend is a girl, Christabel Chong Shu Ying. no she doesn't have facebook don't bother searching for her. We've been best friends for about 3 years, and i've known her for 6 years.
It's kinda scary how well we know each other, sometimes she can just read my mind. literally.
6) I dont drink, smoke or club.
I think i'm oversensitive to alcohol and turn red very easily. but i'm not drunk when i'm red. just red.
smoking causes lung cancer and it's gross anyway so i will never smoke.
clubbing.. i just havent found a good enough reason to go clubbing, i can't dance anyway.
7) My favourite sport is basketball, though i play all kinds of other sports such as soccer, badminton, etc. i used to play soccer for my primary school team, and i switched to basketball in secondary 1.
8) I'm an avid Warcraft 3 standard game player, and i'll take on anyone in a 1v1 match :) i love the game, love how it's so diverse and challenging, and so much better than boring ol' dota.
9) I think bangs don't look nice on a girl, i don't know why everyone seems to be getting them now.
10) I like to play with kids. not too old, i think around when they hit 7 or 8 they get annoying. Those little ones are cuter and more fun to play with.
11) I've a phobia of carrying babies/toddlers. Last time i did it, it felt extremely awkward so i just put him down (my friend's baby brother), then i put him down on his butt and apparently he's used to crawling and not sitting so he just fell backwards and hit his head and started crying.
I need to learn how to carry them properly :(
12) I prefer dogs to cats. woof.
13) I like all genres of music, from pop to rock to rap to alot of indie styles. I prefer indie groups and think 987 plays trashy music most of the time.
14) i love magic. i can perform some card tricks which will astound you. :p
i don't practise much though so i don't perform much. I've always had a dream to perform on the streets, just go around to random people to show them a trick or two. I may do that.. soon. :)
15) I play the guitar and drums. I can play abit of piano but just.. some songs which i learnt in my 3 grades of piano when i was little.
16) I could jump 261cm for SBJ and do 74 situps in secondary 2. ^^
17) I can only jump <243cm for SBJ and <50 situps now.
18) my most recurrent nightmare (or dream) is one which i have to pee and will be looking for a toilet most of the dream. close to the end of the dream i'll find one and go to pee. but after that i'll still have the i-need-to-pee feeling. then i'll wake up. and need to pee.
19) I love my red specs. i think i'll look absolutely boring and scary if i wore normal specs.
20) The longest name i've heard of is John Sebastian Francisco Melchizidek. He's part of my clique in JC, with an idiot called tan tee hao.
21) i used to compete with my friends in 'xi zhi' in primary school (the writing thing in Chinese lessons to teach you how to write words, where you write a particular word like 10 times) to see who could finish faster.
I always won.
22) I used to want to be a writer. I was writing stories when i was just primary 3. short ones of course.
dont know why and when the passion faded. around when i enterred secondary school perhaps.
23) my current game nick (which i only use when i play dota on LAN, since my b-net (warcraft) nick can't be changed otherwise i'll lose all my stats) is crAzer, and it's inspired by my mouse and my best friend.
my mouse is a Razer krait, and my best friend's name starts with a 'C'. the letter 'A' is capitalized obviously because my name starts with an A.
24) i wish i could dance as well as U-min or hamutsun serve (go youtube them)
25) I correct people's English alot. i can't stand bad grammar, it's as annoying as smelly people in a packed train to me. I don't speak very eloquently, but i do try to speak with proper structure and grammar though NS is seriously eroding my standard of English.
25.5) i'm not putting 25 names because i think this thing has been circulated alot already so.. yea.
25.575) i can't believe i actually completed this.
25.94815162342) okok i'm done bye thanks for reading (if you even read it)